There is no good or bad for dogs, as they will eat anything they can get their mouths on.
Your pup will stare at you with begging eyes every time you enjoy goldfish crackers.
If you plan to feed your dog goldfish, please ensure it is safe.
Does it indicate that canines can consume goldfish? Aside from containing xylitol, goldfish are prone to tapeworms that can harm dogs.
Furthermore, these fish may be contaminated with coccidia, which can trigger severe diarrhoea in pets.
If your dog consumes goldfish, what can you do to stop it?
Can you do something at home to protect your canine?
You’ll learn about these crucial matters for your pup when you read on
The risks of feeding your dog goldfish.
Many homeowners keep goldfish in their aquatic habitats.
It is because they are low-maintenance, cute, and require little care.
Despite this, you shouldn’t give your pup goldfish for the following reasons:
It Is Prone to Get Tapeworms in Goldfish
Goldfish tapeworms are dangerous parasites that can live in the digestive tract of goldfish.
If your animal consumes a goldfish with worms, he can also consume them.
Dipylidium caninum is the primary intestinal parasite species transmitted from goldfish to canines.
The hook-like mouth of this tapeworm allows it to attach itself to the intestine wall and consume partially digested food.
The length of an adult tapeworm can reach 11 inches.
In dogs, Dipylidium caninum can cause no symptoms.
Loss of weight, nausea, diarrhea, or appetite alterations may occur in certain people.
The symptoms listed above may indicate that your dog must see the vet immediately.
Tapeworms, if left untreated, can lead to:
Weight loss: Tapeworms feed on the food your dog consumes. Consequently, your pup receives less nutrition, resulting in weight loss.
Vomiting: Eventually, the tapeworms will move into the stomach, causing your dog to throw up. This is a normal reaction after you have fed him.
Diarrhea: It is common for many intestinal parasites to cause diarrhea, including tapeworms. Additionally, these parasites can cause blood to appear in the stool.
Blockage of the intestines: Tapeworm infection can lead to intestinal obstruction in severe cases. The condition is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.
Change in appetite: Tapeworms can cause some dogs to become ravenous while others lose their appetite.
Anemia: Tapeworms can produce anemia in some cases. As a result of anemia, fewer red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.
You may have coccidia in your goldfish
A protozoan called coccidia can cause severe diarrhea in dogs.
A goldfish, as well as other freshwater fish, can be infected with the parasite.
The treatment of coccidia in your pup can be a tedious and expensive activity.
In addition to extra medication costs, your dog will take 10-14 days to improve in health.
The coccidia bacteria cause coccidiosis in dogs.
The infection manifests itself as:
- Diarrhea with water: This is a common symptom of coccidiosis. Blood and mucus may be found in diarrhea. It can be green, yellow, or brown.
- Symptoms of loss of appetite: Your dog may lose his desire and stop eating.
- Weight loss: If your dog loses appetite due to the infection, he will not get enough nutrients for a healthy body.
- Coccidiosis is often accompanied by dehydration. The infection causes severe diarrhea, which causes the body to lose fluids.
- Depression: Some dogs with coccidiosis become depressed and lethargic due to insufficient nutrients.
Your dog can ingest coccidia from:
- Soil that is contaminated
- Consuming infected rodents
- Breeding kennels with much activity
- Other dogs’ feces
Regularly taking your dog to the vet for check-ups and deworming would be best. This will help keep coccidiosis at bay.
Goldfish May Have Bacterial Infection
It is impossible to avoid bacteria because they are everywhere and can cause infections in humans and animals.
Bacteria that commonly infect goldfish include:
- Aquamonas hydrophila: Found in contaminated water, this bacterium causes fin rot in fish. If your dog eats goldfish that contain this bacterium, he will experience diarrhoea and vomiting.
- Pseudomonas: This bacterium is also found in contaminated water and can be transmitted to dogs by eating goldfish. Pseudomonas otitis in dogs is caused by it.
- Mycobacterium: This bacterium can be found in fresh and brackish water. There is a possibility that it can cause mycobacteria in dogs.
Bacterial infections are treated using antibiotics.
It’s important to note that antibiotics do not kill all bacteria.
For this reason, it is vital to take your dog to the vet for a proper diagnosis before beginning any treatment.
Home Remedies for Dogs Who Ate Goldfish
If your dog ate goldfish, the first thing you should do is monitor him for any symptoms.
If he starts showing any of the symptoms mentioned above, do the following:
- Make sure he drinks plenty of water to prevent dehydration
- He gets enough fiber in his diet to help with any digestive issues he may have to
- ensure he eats small, frequent meals rather than large ones to avoid vomiting
- Lethargic people should get plenty of rest.
Last but not least, you must take your pup to a vet.
His vet can properly diagnose and provide him with the treatment he needs.
Preventing Your Dog from Eating Goldfish
You can prevent your dog from eating goldfish by keeping them out of reach.
He must remain in them where he can reach them.
Watch him when he’s around goldfish as well.
When you have goldfish as pets, please keep them in a secure tank that your dog cannot access.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if a dog eats a goldfish?
Dogs who eat goldfish develop unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting.
The dog may also develop pseudomonas otitis when the goldfish is infected with bacteria.
How many goldfish can dogs eat?
Dogs should not eat goldfish.
Coccidiosis and other bacterial infections can be transmitted to dogs by goldfish.
Final Thoughts
Dogs should not eat goldfish.
Ensure your dog cannot access goldfish crackers if you love eating them.
Keep your goldfish in a secure tank that your dog cannot access if you have goldfish as pets.
If you feed your dog goldfish, he will get bacterial infections that will cost you money and time to eradicate.
Simply put, it’s not worth it.
You should keep your goldfish away from your pup.
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