Have you ever had your dog eat fresh cream but been concerned about whether it would be OK? As a dog owner, you may be very concerned when your pet eats something you don’t usually feed them. It only takes a little carelessness to put your dog at risk, so you should always be careful. […]
Can dogs eat
Can Dogs Eat Custard?Here’s What the Experts Say
In addition to milk, eggs, sugar, and flavours, the custard is a sweet dessert. The flavour reminds me of vanilla or pudding. A favourite among kids and adults. Are our furry friends able to share this creamy treat with us? Short answer: dogs should not eat custard. While a small amount won’t harm them, the […]
Can Dogs Eat Cumin?How to Offer Cumin to Dogs
The cumin spice is one of the essential spices in a curry. In Egyptian tradition, it is used as an analgesic and gastrointestinal medicine. Your dog can expect it to aid digestion and absorption and cure stomach pains, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, etc. Despite being safe and healthy for humans, is it safe and healthy for […]
Can Dogs Eat Cotton Candy?What You Need To Know
The owners of pets often prefer cotton candy treats but are confused when their pets request them as a mercy gesture. Are dogs able to eat cotton candy? This article aims to inform you of all the possible benefits, side effects, signs, and symptoms of dog candy ideas. To navigate smoothly, you can use the […]
Can Dogs Eat Cuttlefish?What You Need To Know
If you are near the ocean, you’ve perhaps observed cuttlefish washed up on the beach. Since the smell is so intriguing, your dog probably wants to know what it tastes like. Are dogs able to eat cuttlefish? This is indeed possible, and it shouldn’t cause any problems. The alternative, cuttlefish, can be considered a delicious […]
Can Dogs Eat Bamboo?Are Bamboo Shoots Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Bamboo? All dogs chew on anything they come into contact with. Taking care of one’s dental health includes chewing. Substances that are intoxicating or dangerous are injected into the stomach or mouth. It’s purely for the fun and enjoyment of it. Make sure they don’t chew on anything that might damage their […]