In some dogs’ eyes, trash cans are beautiful. If you turn your eyes off your canine for a minute, he will likely rush to the trash can. You’re surprised when you catch it because something is already in your mouth. It’s not uncommon for owners to hear their dogs say something like this in the […]
Egg & Dairy
Can Dogs Eat Eggs?A Vet Explains
Human health benefits from eggs are not new knowledge. It provides protein and vitamins, improving the health of your daily menu. Many people doubt that dogs can eat eggs since their bodies differ from ours. When eating, it is indeed hard to resist the little eyes of the pet, and we always leave a little […]
Can Dogs Eat Eggs During Diarrhea?Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Eggs may be helpful to canines with diarrhoea as a portion of their dietary plan. The protein content of eggs is a good source of energy and can help settle the stomach. The most important thing you can do for your animal is to consult your vet before offering them eggs because they may have […]
Can Dogs Eat Cream?Here’s What the Experts Say
Have you ever had your dog eat fresh cream but been concerned about whether it would be OK? As a dog owner, you may be very concerned when your pet eats something you don’t usually feed them. It only takes a little carelessness to put your dog at risk, so you should always be careful. […]
Can Dogs Eat Custard?Here’s What the Experts Say
In addition to milk, eggs, sugar, and flavours, the custard is a sweet dessert. The flavour reminds me of vanilla or pudding. A favourite among kids and adults. Are our furry friends able to share this creamy treat with us? Short answer: dogs should not eat custard. While a small amount won’t harm them, the […]
Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese?safety and nutrition facts
It is generally acceptable for canines to eat moderate quantities of cream cheese as a treat. Cream cheese is high in fat and calories, so it should not be fed to dogs in large amounts or as a regular part of their diet. It would be best if you stopped offering your pet flavoured cream […]