What Fruits and Vegetables your dog can eat?

Can Dogs Eat Monggo

When feeding vegetables and fruits to dogs, it is essential to take the seeds, skins, stems, and cores.

If you don’t take these properly, they will get stuck in your throat or esophagus, and you will have to have surgery to remove them.

In addition, some vegetables and fruits contain poisonous substances in the seeds, skin, stems, and cores, so avoid giving them whole, just in case.

It would be best if you also were cautious about how much you offer. Overindulgence can be harmful to your dog’s health, no matter how much you love it.In addition, although dogs are omnivores, they are infinitely close to predatory animals.

Therefore, even if a dog eats vegetables and fruits directly, they will likely need help to absorb the nutrients well. Based on this, please refer to it when you have a low appetite and want to eat something anyway.

Here is our total list of fruits and vegetables.

Cherries are not suitable for dogs. The pit, feet, and leaves all have poisonous cyanide, which can kill if you eat enough of it. The lumps might also clog the digestive tract. So, it is preferable to avoid this and not offer cherries to your dog.

Check Full Details About Cherries

Cherries are not suitable for dogs. The pit, feet, and leaves all have poisonous cyanide, which can kill if you eat enough of it. The lumps might also clog the digestive tract. So, it is preferable to avoid this and not offer cherries to your dog.

Check Full Details About Cherries


Cherry fruit?

In conclusion, it is okay for dogs to eat cherries. To ensure your dog’s safety, remove cherry seeds before feeding.

Sweet and sour and cute to look at, bite-sized cherries are perfect for your dog’s snack. Some of you may have tried giving it.

Dogs tend to perceive sweetness in their taste buds, so that that cherries can be a nice treat for dogs, but considering the ingredients of cherries, it is recommended to give them only a minimal amount, even if it is only the fruit part.


Watermelon is OK for dogs to eat. Watermelon provides vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium in addition to being low in calories.

Watermelon should be given without its shell, which can cause stomach problems, and without its seeds, which can get stuck in the digestive tract. Could you give me Watermelon in slices, frozen chunks, or frozen pulp cubes?

Watermelon rind?

The question that the owner ends up asking is, if possible, to serve the whole fruit. Well, the answer is no. Although it may seem amusing to see the dog breaking a large piece of the fruit, the watermelon rind and its seeds can bring some harm to the animal.

No, dogs cannot eat watermelon rinds. The bark contains much fiber in its composition, which can cause gas, constipation, and even intestinal obstruction since dogs don’t chew.

Watermelon skin?

In addition to causing digestive symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting, skins and seeds can also induce intestinal obstruction in dogs. Dogs have difficulty digesting certain foods. Therefore, the only part of the pulp that should be supplied is the red component.


A high content of vegetable protein characterizes Chickpeas. From the dog’s eating habits, it is thought that animal protein is easier to digest and absorb than vegetable protein.

Still, chickpeas are relatively easy to digest among foods containing vegetable protein. Therefore, it is also a recommended ingredient for sick and elderly dogs with impaired digestive function.


Daikon is a healthy vegetable because it is rich in fiber, which aids digestion. It is also a rich source of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium, nutrients that strengthen your dog’s bones and immune system while boosting cell regeneration.

Just make sure your dog doesn’t overeat Daikon because its high fiber content can cause indigestion problems like vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite in dogs with sensitive stomachs.


Radish does not contain any ingredients that are problematic for dogs, so it is okay to give it to them.

Radish is made up of more than 90% water. In addition, the roots are light-colored vegetables, the leaves are green-yellow vegetables, and the nutrients contained in each are very different.


Consuming guavas is not harmful to canines. Guavas are exotic fruits high in vitamins A, B3, B6, C, K, and phosphorus.

Some dogs may have problems with their stomachs after eating guava. Because this fruit is heavy in sodium, it should only be ingested in tiny quantities.

The seeds should be taken out because they can get in the way. Guava has much sugar added to it, which is unhealthy for dogs.


ANSWER: It’s okay to feed loquats to dogs. Loquat contains a variety of nutrients in a well-balanced manner, making it a safe fruit to give to dogs.

However, since the fruit is covered with skin and the seeds are significant, it is necessary to be careful how to give it. In this article, we will introduce the nutrition of loquat and how to give it to dogs.


Tangerines are safe for dogs to eat. If you give tangerines to your dog, you don’t have to worry about causing poisoning, and there are no significant problems.

For us humans, tangerines are known as a good food for beauty because they are rich in vitamin C.

However, it contains a variety of other nutrients and is considered to be a healthy food. Tangerines include nutrients that are beneficial to dog health.

Mandarin Oranges

In short, dogs can eat mandarin oranges, but only in moderation.

Although Mandarin has numerous nutritional benefits, its high sugar level and acidity can be problematic for some dogs. Remove the peel and seeds permanently, and restrict how much mandarin you give your pet.

When introducing new foods into your dog’s diet, start carefully and evaluate his reaction. It is usually preferable to consult with a veterinarian before making any dietary modifications for your dog.

water chestnuts

It is possible to determine whether water chestnuts are safe or harmful for dogs. It is essential always to be careful when giving your dog food.

Water chestnuts are a tasty snack you can feed your pet! Protein, carbohydrates, and nutrients are found in these nuts. In general, these factors contribute to the health of a dog.

Remove the shell before your furry friend digs in, as it can become a choking hazard.


Apricots are not suitable for dogs to eat. The peaches, cherries, and apricot seeds all have cyanide in them.

The lump can also be the cause of blockages in the intestines. Since the projection is complex to get rid of, it’s not a good idea to give apricots to dogs.


According to the ASPCA (American Humane Society), it is reported that Açaí does not contain anything dangerous or poisoning to dogs. Still, there is also information that it contains “theobromine,” an ingredient that is dangerous for dogs and cats.

This is probably because cacao nibs, which are sometimes used together with Açaí supplements and processed products, contain theobromine, but it is worth being aware of.


For all this, it is not a problem for dogs to eat acorns. Even if you eat it, it will be excreted as stool.

However, there are cases where the skin is complex and can damage the digestive organs or cause indigestion. If your dog eats an acorn, observe it for any changes in its physical condition or behavior.

If you notice any troubling signs, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.


Asparagus is an excellent food to give to your dog. However, it is dangerous to feed them raw or feed them the leaves.

Before serving, gently boil it and cut it into little pieces.. If you peel off the hard part of the root with a peeler, you can avoid straining your digestive organs.


・ Dogs can eat Ampalaya

・Do not give Ampalaya raw. Cut into small pieces and heat

・ Because it is highly nutritious, it is also recommended for maintaining health

・ Be careful about chronic diseases and allergies in dogs

・ Be careful not to give too much by keeping the amount according to the weight of the dog.

・Do not season so as not to have too much salt.


Eggplants are rich in antioxidant ingredients and can be expected to have various effects, such as suppressing aging and cancer.If it is raw, the scum is strong, and it is not tasty, so when giving it to your dog, it is important to expose it to water for a while and then cook it well.
Eggplant leaves, stems, stems, and other parts other than the fruit contain toxic substances, so be sure to remove them before cooking.


In conclusion, it is said that dogs do not have any health problems even if they eat Aubergine.

Eggplant is a plant of the genus Solanaceae, and the eggplant we eat is the fruit part. Eggplant is mainly made up of water and sugars, and although it contains some vitamins and minerals, it is not as high as other vegetables.


Is it OK for dogs to eat pineapple? As it turns out, pineapple does not contain any ingredients that can harm your dog’s health, so it is safe to give it to your dog.

It also contains healthy ingredients such as dietary fiber and vitamin C, so if you use it well, you will be able to expand the variety of dog treats and dog food toppings.

Apples skin

Apples are rich in nutrients such as polyphenols, not only in the fruit part but also in the skin. Some people may eat the whole skin, but it is okay to give the entire skin to dogs.

However, the peel may have pesticides or varnishes on it. Be sure to wash them well before feeding. The peel is a tricky part to digest, and if you give the fruit part as it is, there is a risk of swallowing it whole and choking on it, so give it a finely chopped or grated state.


Apples contain a variety of nutrients in a well-balanced manner and are easy to obtain all year round.

If your dog likes a sweet scent and crunchy texture, you may want to incorporate it into a treat.

Depending on the variety, some apples are high in sugar, so be careful not to give them too much. Please stick to the appropriate amount as a snack and chop it into small pieces before giving it to your dog so that he doesn’t choke on large chunks.


Artichokes do not contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs and cats, so there is no risk of poisoning.

It does not contain a lot of vitamins, but it does include a relatively high amount of minerals. It’s okay for both dogs and cats to eat artichokes, but cats don’t have to give them from a digestive point of view actively.


Arugula is a β green and yellow vegetable containing a lot of carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

It is also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Above all, the spicy taste of arugula is an ingredient called “allyl isothiocyanate.” None of these ingredients are harmful to dogs, so there is nothing wrong with giving arugula.

Asian pears?

Pears contain a lot of water, so they can be used for rehydration during dehydration.

For example, if you have a low appetite or after a walk on a hot day, you can give them ground pears to help them stay hydrated efficiently.

However, it depends on your dog’s physical condition, so it is recommended that you consult a veterinarian beforehand.


We have introduced cooking methods and precautions when giving asparagus to dogs. It turns out that asparagus, a green and yellow vegetable, contains a small amount of toxic “alkaloids” but also contains various other nutrients that are good for the body.

As for alkaloids, a small amount is unlikely to cause health problems, and other ingredients can be expected to be effective in preventing illness and relieving fatigue in dogs.

It is a good idea to add a small amount to the main meal or give it a small amount like a snack, and incorporate it into your dog’s diet while paying attention to the amount.


They cannot eat avocados, as they are poisonous to dogs and irritate the stomach lining, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and even heart disease.

In addition to causing gastrointestinal distress, avocados’ high-fat content is often to blame. Is it possible to consume the avocado lump,

Baby Corn

Baby Corn does not contain any ingredients that are harmful to dogs and is safe to eat.
Instead, it is often used in dog food because it contains nutrients that are good for the body, such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.


Dogs have no problem eating bananas! Bananas are a food that can be given to your dog and do not contain any toxic ingredients.

Since it contains almost no fat, it is a big attraction that it can replenish the abundant carbohydrates (energy sources) without burdening digestion.

Bean sprouts

ANSWER: It’s okay to feed your dog bean sprouts. Bean sprouts are a vegetable that can be given to dogs, as they do not contain any harmful ingredients.

It is also low in calories, so it can be given to dogs that need a diet as a bulking food ingredient.

Bitter melon

Bitter melon is a very healthy ingredient and does not contain harmful ingredients for dogs, so it is safe to give it.

However, because it is rich in nutrients, you need to be careful how you give it and how much you give it. In addition, some dogs dislike the bitterness peculiar to bitter gourd, so it can be said that it is a vegetable that does not need to be given.


Blueberries contain ingredients that are beneficial for dogs, but it is not good to give them too much. Refer to the appropriate amount above as a snack, chop it so that it does not choke on the throat, and crush it before giving it.

Also, avoid blueberries for dogs with suspected allergies, urinary stones, or weak digestive function.


Broccoli does not have any ingredient problems for dogs, so it is safe to give it. The ingredients contained in broccoli include vitamin C, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., as well as an ingredient called “sulforaphane,” which has been attracting attention in recent years for its antioxidant effect.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are too bitter to eat raw, so most humans eat them boiled in salads or stewed in soups.

Similarly, when feeding to dogs, be sure to boil it before cooking.

Also, even if you boil it, it will remain a little bitter, so if you don’t want to give it to your dog, don’t force it


Carrots are vegetables rich in antioxidant β carotene and are safe for dogs to eat.
Leaves and skins can also be fed, so it will be easy to use when making homemade rice or as a food topping.There is no harm in giving it raw, but it is better to give it after heating it for a sweeter taste, and the dog will be pleased.


Cauliflower is safe to feed to dogs. Cauliflower does not contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs.

Therefore, it is a vegetable that can be given to dogs. Like broccoli, it is cruciferous, and its characteristics such as vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect, and potassium, which excretes unnecessary water and salt in the body, are similar to broccoli, but broccoli nutrients = cauliflower nutrients are not either.


Chayote is a safe and nutritious vegetable that can be included in the diet of dogs, offering benefits such as supporting the immune system and aiding digestion.

It is important to prepare chayote properly by removing the skin and seeds and gradually introducing them into the dog’s diet.

As always, when making changes to your pet’s diet, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, especially if the dog has preexisting health conditions. With the proper precautions, chayote can be a healthy and tasty addition to your puppy’s diet.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, including tangerines, do not contain substances that cause poisoning symptoms. Therefore, it can be given to dogs. However, the outer skin and seeds are difficult to digest, so remove them when feeding.

There is a big difference in the amount of dietary fiber with and without thin skin. The amount of dietary fiber, when there is thin skin, is about twice that of when there is no skin, and there are individual differences in whether it can be digested. If giving it can cause indigestion, try to get rid of it


Coconut is rarely eaten as a fruit, but basically, the flesh of “coconut” is safe to feed your dog.
However, if you overeat, the fats and oils contained in the pulp and coconut milk may cause stomach upset, loose stools, diarrhea, etc., so if you give it, be sure to give it a small amount while adjusting to the size of your dog.

cooked Zucchini?

When feeding zucchini, cut it into small pieces, boil or steam it, and give it heat. Dogs have a habit of swallowing food whole, and if you chop it up, it can get stuck in your throat. Zucchini skin, in particular, is hard, so cooking it will make it easier to digest.


Yes, Cucumbers can be eaten by dogs. They are healthy snacks due to their low calories. Cucumbers are mostly water, so you’ll stay hydrated.

They replace high-calorie treats, which help keep weight in check. Cut cucumbers into small pieces so the dog doesn’t choke on them.


Cranberries should not be given to dogs with calcium oxalate stones, but they can have various positive effects on other dogs and prevent cystitis and urinary stones.

Be sure to check if it is acceptable to give it to a veterinarian if the animal is being treated at a veterinary clinic or eating prescription food.

Cranberry cookies and premium foods contain cranberries, so it’s okay for dogs to eat cranberries.


No, Dates are not suitable for dogs. Dates have a lot of sugar and fiber, which can give you a stomach ache or diarrhea.

Even though the date lump doesn’t have cyanide, it can still choke the dog and cause GI problems. Dates are also problematic for some dogs to chew.


It is okay for puppies and old dogs to eat edamame. Do not season it, but cut the boiled edamame into small pieces before serving. Also, the point is to serve it as a topping, not as a staple food. However, in the following two cases, you should avoid ingesting edamame.

Broad beans

No, Broad beans are not suitable for dogs. They contain a poison called phytohemagglutinin, which makes people throw up, have diarrhea, and dehydrate.


Yes, figs can be eaten by dogs. Fresh figs aren’t dangerous to eat but have a lot of fiber.

French Beans

If you consume large amounts of them, your stomach can hurt. Dried figs are lovely, so you shouldn’t eat them. The fig tree’s leaves and sap are both dangerous.

Your puppy’s diet is a key aspect of its overall health and well-being. When considering whether “dogs can eat beans,” it is crucial to weigh the benefits and associated risks.

Beans, when prepared correctly and served in moderation, can be a nutritious source of protein, fiber, and vitamins for dogs. However, it is essential to follow proper grooming guidelines and consult with a veterinarian before making significant changes to your pet’s diet.


It can be offered but in moderation. This is because it contains xylitol, which can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure in dogs. Therefore, never let the animal eat more than one cup a day. On the bright side, raspberries contain antioxidants — suitable for older furry friends — little sugar and plenty of fiber, manganese, and vitamin C.


The dog can eat oranges, but this is not one of its favorite fruits. After all, dogs don’t like strong-smelling citrus.

Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. If you’re going to try it, offer only the “meat” of the orange to the dog—without peel or seeds. However, animals that have gastritis are not advised precisely because of their acidity.


If you were in doubt about whether dogs can eat melons, it’s time to get rid of that worry. However, as with bananas, this fruit should be used in moderation, especially for overweight and diabetic pets. Plus, it’s rich in water and fiber!


In addition to being full of fiber and vitamin C, strawberries have an enzyme that can even help whiten your dog’s teeth. But, because of the sugar, the dog can eat strawberries in moderation!


Another fruit was added to the list of fruits that dogs can eat. These fruits are rich in B vitamins and A and C.

However, even if you know that the dog can eat pears, remove the stem, the seeds, and the hard part of the fruit.


Fresh or frozen peaches in small pieces are a great fiber and vitamin A source and can even help fight infections.

The lump contains cyanide, so offer the dog only the soft part. Also, avoid canned peaches, which are dipped in sugary syrups.


Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) are toxic to dogs, regardless of the breed, sex, or age of the animal. They can lead to acute sudden kidney failure and are considered dangerous for furry friends.

You already know which fruits dogs can eat for a healthy and even tastier diet. Speaking of diet, don’t forget to consult a specialist about the proper eating habits for your pet. Be sure to take him to an appointment at the  Veterinary Center closest to you!


Star fruit should not be offered to dogs because it contains calcium oxalate in all parts of the fruit, especially if it is not yet ripe.

Oxalate salts are absorbed, bind to calcium in the blood, and lead to hypokalemia. In addition, the crystals can cause necrosis and kidney failure.


Yes, we don’t know if the fruit is suitable for canines. Since jackfruit is still a new food in the West, little is known about its toxicity to pets. However, people think that jackfruit is safe for dogs because other plants in the same family are harmless, and wild animals eat it.


Yes, Kiwis can be eaten by dogs. Kiwifruit is high in fiber but can sometimes cause stomach problems and diarrhea. To prevent the animal from choking, Kiwis should be peeled and cut into small pieces.


Yes, persimmons are OK for dogs to eat. However, the persimmon seeds should be removed because they cause inflammation and blockage in the gut. In small amounts, fruit is safe.


No, Lychees are not healthy for canines to consume. Lychee is not poisonous, but the lump can make you choke or block your intestines. The unripe fruit has poisons in it that cause low blood sugar. Lychees in a can are very sweet and also not suitable for dogs.

Fruit snacks

Fruit snacks could be better dog treats. They contain a mixture of glucose, fat, sweetened fruit juice, artificial dyes for coloring, citric acid, and chemical flavorings.

A good rule of thumb is to skip food items whose ingredients you don’t understand or can’t pronounce


Some fruits are good to feed your dog, and some are not to be fed.

When you have access to seasonal fruits, you may want to feed them to your dog.

Make sure that the fruit is safe to eat before you feed it.

Fruits contain various nutrients and can be expected to provide vitamins essential for hydration and good health.

However, if you eat dog food, you will get enough nutrients to maintain your health, so you don’t need to dare to eat fruit.


No, Garlic is bad for dogs to eat. Like onions, Garlic contains thiosulfate, which is dangerous for dogs. This poison causes red blood cells to burst, leading to anemia.

It can also cause stomach problems like throwing up and diarrhea. These symptoms will most likely only show up if the dog eats a lot of Garlic. If the dog only ate a small piece, it’s probably fine.


Yes, Ginger can be fed to dogs. Use only small amounts, as suggested. It’s packed with B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. But if you overeat it, it can make your stomach hurt. Ginger should not be given to an animal treated because it may interact with the medicine.

Wolfberry berries

Wolfberry berries are also herbal medicine, so humans must be careful not to overeat.

The same applies when giving it to your dog.

Wolfberry fruit is also a fruit of the Solanaceae family, and there is a possibility that overeating can upset your stomach.

In addition, Solanaceae fruits contain toxins such as psoralen and alkaloids, albeit in small amounts, so you want to be careful how much you give to your dog.

goji berries

Simply put, dogs can eat goji berries. By consuming moderate amounts, you can benefit from vitamins and antioxidants. In some cases, it also positively affects the dog’s immune system.


No, dogs cannot eat pomegranates. Some parts of a pomegranate are poisonous. The pomegranate’s membranes and skins contain cyanide, so they can also cause stomach problems. The bark contains tannins that can hurt the liver. Dogs can get sick if they eat the pink seeds of a pomegranate because they can’t digest them.

Grapefruit fruit

If your dog is healthy, giving them a small portion of the grapefruit fruit is okay.

Vitamin C, which is abundant in grapefruit fruits, has antioxidant properties. It is an essential nutrient for human health, but it is not necessarily a nutrient that needs to be ingested because a healthy dog can produce it in the body.

In addition, grapefruit has a unique bitter and sour taste, which some dogs do not like.

Green apple

The dog can eat a green apple without danger; however, some dogs prefer a ripe apple because it is sweeter.

To give apples to dogs, washing the peel well and removing dirt and pesticides is essential.

Then, you should cut the apple into small pieces but avoid the center, where the pits are located. Apple cores contain a small amount of cyanide, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea, especially if consumed in large quantities.

Green beans

Yes, Dogs can eat green beans. Green beans are a healthy dog treat, whether fresh, steamed, cooked, or in a can. But we shouldn’t give green beans that are salted, seasoned, fatty, or made with Garlic or onions. The dog could choke on big pods. The green beans should be cut into smaller pieces.

Green Chili Peppers

It would be best not to give a hot pepper to any dog. Be careful where you place it, and if your dog eats chili peppers, see a veterinarian immediately. Conclusion Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which is harmful to dogs.

Green grapes

No, dogs should never eat green grapes. Grapes and raisins are known to be very toxic to dogs, but studies have not yet determined exactly which substances in the fruit cause this reaction.

The breed, gender, and age of the dog do not affect the risk of being affected, and puppies should not be given grapes or raisins because safe amounts have not been proven.

Green mango

Nutrition and hydration are essential to supporting your dog’s healthy life. Heat stroke is a concern in the summer, and after activities such as walking, it is easy to lose the necessary fluids. That’s when raw mango comes in handy.

Green onions

Eating green onions causes poisoning symptoms, so green onions are said to be a dangerous food for dogs. Dogs can be harmful if they eat even a tiny amount of green onions! It is said that eating green onions will cause poisoning if a dog eats 5 ~ 10 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Green peas

It’s okay to feed your dog green peas! Green peas are one of the “fruit peas” that eat only the fruit inside the peas and are “immature beans” harvested before they are fully ripe. When you hear about immaturity, you may be worried about whether feeding your dog green peas is okay. Even if it’s immature, it’s a good idea.

Green Pepper

Chewy and nutritious, bell peppers can be given to dogs as a treat. They are also recommended for old dogs who are concerned about vitamin deficiencies.

When feeding your dog peppers, remove the stems and seeds, start with a few chopped peppers, and ensure that his physical condition does not change afterward. If you are not feeling well, have food allergies, or are on a therapeutic diet, be careful not to give them bell peppers.

Honeydew melon

Yes, Melons are food for dogs. Melon has few calories and a lot of water. It is also a good source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, and potassium. Before giving your dog melon, you should take out the seeds and peel them like you would with watermelon. Due to the natural sugar in melons, they shouldn’t be given to animals in large amounts, and they shouldn’t be given to diabetic animals.


Honeydews should be cut into pieces, and the seeds should be removed. Based on their size, dogs should be given honeydew in small amounts.

Honeydew melons should be cut up and served as fruit salads or berries, supervised by humans to prevent them from overeating at once. Even if it’s just for a few seconds, servers should never leave honeydews unattended with pets around!

Iceberg Lettuce

Most dogs will be excellent at eating plain iceberg lettuce. Please note the importance of it being plain. You should avoid letting your dog eat iceberg lettuce that may have been cooked with seasoning or other potentially dangerous ingredients to pets.


The answer is yes, you can feed your dog jackfruit, but in moderation. Remember that thing The digestive power of dogs is fragile, so they cannot eat jackfruit skins because it will hurt their digestive system as well Companions can also be a choking hazard as the skin of the Jackfruit is challenging, which can get stuck in the dog’s throat and harm them.


Jalapeños do not have toxic properties for dogs; they are only bad for dogs because of their spiciness. The puppy’s digestive system is not used to handling spicy food. Jalapeno peppers are not toxic to dogs but can cause stomach pain and discomfort.

Jambu fruit

Dogs should eat Jambu fruit in moderation. Fruit is high in sugar, so your dog’s total intake should be monitored. Having too much to eat can also cause upset stomachs and diarrhea.

All types of Jambu fruits are safe for your dog, too. There are, however, some preparations to avoid.

Humans love Jambu fruit tea and Jambu fruit paste, but neither should be given to your dog. Its leaves can cause stomach upset, and its paste contains high sugar.


Yes, they can! With the magical benefits that jicama provides, you’ll be excited to share. This highly nutritious crop also contains lower levels of vitamins B6 and E, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, zinc, riboflavin, copper, and pantothenic acid.

Jicama is a fantastic food if you want your dog to lose weight, as it contains a high amount of water and fiber with a low amount of calories. This plant is a tremendous source of vitamin C, an essential vitamin that works as an antioxidant in your dog’s body and is necessary for many enzymatic activities.

Jujube fruits

Depending on the dog’s diet. Jujube fruits are high in sugar and calories, so if the dog already consumes a lot of sugar from other foods, Jujube fruit might not be the best choice.

However, Jujube fruit has some benefits for dogs, such as boosting their immunity and helping with digestion.

Kiwi skin

Kiwi skin is rich in water, so eating it after exercise or as a measure against heat stroke is a good idea. Kiwi is effective when the dog’s appetite is lost due to summer heat. It is also thought to be effective as a hydration for dogs that are not good at drinking water.

If your dog has a sudden problem, a veterinarian will support you directly by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Kiwi is rich in nutrients such as protein, digestive enzymes, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

It is a fruit that dogs can eat, but it has a relatively high sugar and calorie content, so overeating can cause obesity and urinary stones. If you incorporate it into your dog’s diet, keep the appropriate amount as a treat, and be careful about allergies.

Korean Pears

The Koren pear contains no dangerous ingredients, so you must be careful not to give it too much. However, pear seeds contain hydrocyanic acid-based poison (cyanide compounds), so do not give them intentionally.

However, it is a level of food that finally causes symptoms after eating an impossible amount at once, so there is no need to panic just because you accidentally ingested one or two.

Kidney beans

Beans that have matured are called “kidney beans.”

Kidney beans contain “lectins” that cause poisoning, so it is dangerous to eat them raw.

Boiling it in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes will detoxify it, and then it can be eaten confidently.


Soybeans contain trypsin inhibitors.
Therefore, ingested in large quantities, it will cause indigestion, and symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting will appear like raw legumes.
Soybeans also have a component called glycinin, which is said to inhibit the absorption of iron.
It is better not to give it to dogs that are anemic or undergoing anemia treatment.

Lima beans

Lima beans are safe for dogs to eat from time to time. It is rich in protein, which is very beneficial for dogs.

It’s also fiber-rich and packed with vitamins and nutrients your dog needs to stay healthy. However, canned lima beans can be very unhealthy, so you should avoid giving them to your dog.

Canned lima beans usually contain sodium, preservatives, and seasonings (such as onion or garlic). If you offer lima beans to your dog, they should be served as-is without any extra ingredients or additives. You can mix them into your dog’s regular healthy dog food.


It is better not to give limes to the dog. “Lime is not toxic to dogs, but dogs don’t like the taste or smell of lime.

Lime is rich in citric acid. Consuming large amounts of citric acid can cause gastrointestinal disorders in dogs and even cause central nervous system depression and coordination disorders. If your dog eats a lot of lime, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Long beans?

From North to South, beans are one of the favorite foods among Asians! This tasty grain is also a hit with pets. But are beans bad for dogs? According to experts, the food itself does not present any dangers.

In general, we can say that yes, they can eat long beans. However, they are often prepared with onions, garlic, and other spices that can complicate pets’ health. So, keep an eye out for the step-by-step guide on how to serve beans to ensure your friend’s safety!


Beetroot is a good substitute for dogs that are intolerant to traditional food. It also complements the diet of puppies that routinely suffer from digestive problems: the high fiber concentration is indicated for maintaining the proper intestine functioning.

For dogs intolerant to kibble, serve the steamed beets cut into small cubes. In other cases, combining cooked beets with common meals that the dog already consumes daily is possible.


Recommended for all breeds, spinach is one of the main sources of B vitamins, as well as phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Spinach should be well received and tasted by dogs, and it should be cooked and served together with other vegetables.


Widely used as a seasoning in Brazilian cuisine, parsley is one of the few foods that can be offered raw “in nature.” In addition to being a source of vitamins B1, B2, C, and D, parsley is efficient in fighting obesity, as it contains very few calories.

If offered “in nature,” the ideal is to remove the leaves from the stem and mix them in the feed or other legumes and vegetables.


Potatoes are the most complete and healthy food and excellent for starting a new canine diet. Rich in iron, calcium, and potassium, potatoes can be eaten raw or cooked without seasonings. To facilitate digestion, a good tip is to provide boiled and mashed potatoes similar to a puree but without adding milk.

Consuming it strengthens the immune system, muscles, bones, and teeth. It also contributes to the healthy growth of puppies.


Kale is indispensable for overweight dogs that need to return to their ideal shapes. By “bulking” in the stomach, the vegetable quickly fills the animal, even in small quantities. Another substance in cabbage—and extremely important for the animal—is beta-carotene, a rich source of vitamin A.


If your dog eats some longan meat, it’s probably okay. However, once again, there isn’t much information on the subject. It is essential to monitor it for allergic reactions.

But if your dog eats a whole longan, contact your veterinarian immediately. Pieces of the peel can enter your intestinal tract and cause a serious problem.

mango skin

Can dogs eat mangoes with skin on? Throughout this article, we have discussed the possibilities and necessary precautions when offering mangoes with peel to dogs. We highlight that mangoes with skin can offer canine health benefits, such as vitamins and fiber, but they can also carry risks, such as allergies and digestive problems.

Therefore, it is important to carefully weigh the benefits and risks before offering unpeeled mangoes to the dog. We also recommend that the animal’s diet be healthy and balanced, including fruits.


Just as celery is highly beneficial for us, it is also beneficial for our dog. However, it should be used in moderate amounts, washed, and finely cut.

It is also a powerful natural antioxidant, so keeping our dog’s health in perfect condition is important. It is diuretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory, and strengthens the immune system.

It is ideal for dogs with arthritis as it helps to reduce pain. You can provide this vegetable in its natural form or prepare a juice and offer it to your dog once a month, in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is not advisable to give this food more than twice a month.

Green beans

Rich in vitamins A and C and with antioxidant, digestive, and energetic properties, these vegetables are highly beneficial for our dog in moderate amounts. They should be offered boiled or steamed and cut into pieces.


Carrots are among the best vegetables for dogs due to their antioxidant, purifying, and digestive properties.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and stand out for their ability to benefit vision and the immune system. In addition, carrots are an ideal food to treat diarrhea in dogs, always under veterinary supervision and with the cause identified. Finally, raw carrots help strengthen teeth and prevent tartar.

The idea is to offer it boiled or steamed, but it can also be given raw, previously peeled, and cut when you want to promote dental health. It is important to control the quantities and not to give too much.


It is especially recommended for dogs suffering from constipation. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and diuretics, so we can provide it in moderation. It should always be peeled, cut, and seeded. As in the previous cases, it is advisable to steam or boil it.


Both vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals and are antioxidant, purifying, and digestive. The most advisable way to cook them is boiled or steamed, but they can also be eaten in small pieces raw (without the stalk and well washed).

Sweet potato

It is an excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and E, potassium, and phosphorus. Occasionally, as a reward or treat or as part of the homemade diet following the indications of a professional, it is a delicious vegetable for dogs. It should be offered peeled and cooked, never raw.


The short answer is yes, mangosteen is safe for dogs to eat with proper preparation. It is difficult to find solid information about tropical fruits, but reports on dogs’ consumption of this fruit are mostly extremely positive.

String Beans

Are string beans healthy for puppies to consume? They are, together with a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Always consult a reputable website before giving a dog anything not part of its diet. Or consult with a veterinary professional.

All dogs are unique and may have sensitivity to particular foods, much like people. They may also react to certain foods while another breed or dog does not.


No, dogs shouldn’t eat raspberries with small amounts of xylitol, a natural sweetener that harms dogs. Hypoglycemia and liver disease are caused by xylitol. Even though small amounts of raspberries aren’t dangerous, it’s best not to give them to the dog.


Yes, strawberries are safe for dogs. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C and fiber. So the dog doesn’t choke, and the strawberries should be washed and cut. You can also grind the strawberries and freeze them in cubes for a tasty summer treat.


No, Dogs cannot eat okra. In small amounts, okra isn’t dangerous, but the mucus in okra can cause gas and stomach problems if taken in large quantities or often.


Yes, dogs can eat mulberries.

Dog owners can safely feed their pets small amounts of ripe mulberries, including black, white, and red mulberries.

Mulberries are a nutrient-rich source of vitamins and minerals, and when eaten occasionally, they can provide numerous potential health benefits to dogs.

Besides being a low-calorie sweet treat for dogs, they are also a great source of calcium.


Yes, dogs can eat mushrooms. But only a few of them! Mushrooms or fungi do not belong to the animal or vegetable kingdom but constitute a separate kingdom, the kingdom Fundi.

There are edible mushrooms within this realm, some of which are highly valued in our gastronomy. However, there are also species of mushrooms that are toxic or poisonous.

Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms have many benefits to offer both humans and dogs. They are a popular variety, so finding them at your local grocery store shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Be sure to wash and prepare them properly before feeding them to your dog. However, we recommend getting clearance from your veterinary team before offering this fungus as a snack, especially if your dog has other health problems or takes medication.

Napa Cabbage

including cabbage in your dog’s diet can be an excellent way to enrich their diet with essential nutrients. However, preparing cabbage properly and offering it in moderate amounts is important to avoid digestive problems. Always consult a veterinarian before significantly changing your pet’s diet, especially if your pet has preexisting health conditions.

With proper precautions, cabbage can be a healthy and beneficial snack for your four-legged friend


Nectarines are delicious and nutritious fruits that can benefit dogs if given in moderate amounts. Here are some of the main nutritional properties of nectarines and their benefits

“Is it OK for dogs to eat nectarines?” I hope this answer will help you. Generally, it’s best to feed your dog fruits and vegetables that are safe for humans.


Olives are foods of great nutritional value, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and do not contain any toxic components for dogs.

That’s why, yes, you can give olives to a dog and offer them to the dog as an occasional treat. However, it would be best to consider some considerations to prevent inappropriate consumption from causing problems for the canine.


Onions are an ingredient that is often used in cooking. Many of you may have onions stocked at home, or you may often cook dishes using onions.

Onions are delicious for humans but a very dangerous ingredient for dogs. No matter how small the amount, you should not give onions to your dog. Giving the onions themselves or dishes that use onions is not okay.


Oranges do not contain any harmful ingredients for dogs, so they are safe to feed them as long as they are fruit.

However, please do not give them the skin, seeds, and leaves, as they are difficult to digest. In particular, there is a risk of pesticides and preservatives adhering to the skin, so it is NG to feed it.


Giving it as a topping to food or as a snack is recommended.

Using a food processor to make a paste may also be a good idea. This will make it even better for digestion.

And it’s hard to say how much parsnips to give your dog, so find the best amount. Just don’t exceed 20% of your daily calorie intake. If this is exceeded, the probability of leading to obesity increase


It turns out that feeding peas to dogs has various benefits, such as improving the intestinal environment, preventing anemia, and keeping the skin healthy.

Peas are not raw but cooked and ground to prevent indigestion! You can mix them with your usual food or use them as an ingredient in homemade treats, so try incorporating nutritious peas for your dog’s health.

Persimmons Fruit

It does not contain any ingredients that can cause dog poisoning, so giving it to a dog is no problem. However, persimmons are high in sugar, so eating too many will result in too many calories6.

Dried persimmons do not contain additives, so it is no problem if you give them to dogs like raw persimmons, but be careful not to give them too much because they are higher in calories than fresh persimmons because they lack water.


The reason why dogs should not eat plums is that they contain amygdalin, which can cause poisoning symptoms in immature fruits and seeds. In particular, the seeds are not digested, so they are highly dangerous and need to be careful.

If your dog eats a large amount of plum seeds, even if he is asymptomatic, he should see a veterinarian. If you check daily if there is a hospital where you can see them at night, you will be able to act without panicking in case of emergency.


If you feed your dog without knowing the dangers of the ingredients contained in pomegranate, your dog may become poisoned.

Even humans can be poisoned by pomegranate skin, so never feed your dog the skin or seed.

Let’s acquire the correct knowledge so that the owner and his dog can live with peace of mind!


Dogs can safely consume small amounts of the flesh from the pomelo fruit if adequately prepared.

The fantastic thing about this delicious citrus fruit is that you can share it with your best friend, as it offers several health benefits for your dogs.


If it’s the pulpy part, it’s okay. However, be careful not to give too much because it is high in calories. Boil it and remove the seeds as well.


If you are giving rambutan to your dog, it is important to completely remove the peel around the pulp, especially the seeds.

If even a small piece remains, it can affect your dog’s digestive system. It is also important to consult with a veterinarian. Depending on your dog’s health and allergies, it is wise to decide whether to give fruit or not.


Melon does not contain any dangerous components that can cause poisoning for dogs, so there are no problems with eating it.

However, be careful about allergies, and be sure to watch for any changes in your physical condition, especially when you feed them for the first time.

Romaine Lettuce

Lettuce is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients and can be fed raw as long as you don’t give it too much.

Moreover, it is so low in calories that it is super sweet, so it can be said that it is useful as a snack for dogs. It is also excellent in nutrients that balance the body, so it is one of the ingredients that you want to incorporate well.

Rose apples

The seeds, pits, and the plant’s portion of rose apples should not be eaten by dogs, as they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to dogs and can cause them to die. When dogs are exposed to them, they can suffer from respiratory failure and other respiratory problems.


It was clear to us that dogs can eat salads, as long as they are prepared properly and in reasonable quantities. However, what are the forbidden vegetables? What can’t be consumed by pets?

The consumption of stems tends to be harmful to the dog’s health and should therefore be avoided. In addition, it is always important to know what your dog’s nutritional and caloric needs are to ensure that the amount of salad offered is suitable for them.

Snap peas

  1. A dog can eat snap peas.
  2. The vegetable is rich in carotene, dietary fiber, protein, and minerals
  3. Give with caution in case of overeating, indigestion, or allergies
  4. Don’t give raw food

Snap peas contain many good nutrients for dogs, but be careful not to overfeed them or cause allergies when feeding them.

Learn how to feed snap peas to your dog correctly in this article.

Snow peas

The answer is

No problem for dogs to eat snow peas

◆ When giving, it is easy to digest, such as crushing as much as possible.

◆ Be careful not to give too much

Spring Onions

Vegetables in the leek family, such as green onions, clams, scallions, leeks, garlic, and rack, are all dangerous foods that can be life-threatening to dogs. Even a small amount of licking can be dangerous, so be careful not to get it in your dog’s mouth.


Bean sprouts are safe to feed to dogs. To begin with, bean sprouts are sprouted vegetables made by germinating mung beans or soybeans. It is said that their nutritional value is almost the same as that of the original beans.

Soybean sprouts, which contain all the essential amino acids, are particularly nutritious. Mung bean sprouts are generally more readily available at supermarkets,

Star apple

giving your dog, a star apple is possible unless and until you have taken appropriate precautions. If it is served carelessly, it can cause many problems.

Take a recommendation from your veterinarian before adding anything to your dog’s diet to know what is suitable. They will assist you in recovering from any side effects that your dog may be experiencing as a result of eating.

Sugar cane

While sugar cane is not toxic to dogs, it can adversely affect their health if consumed. Your canine friends should avoid eating this treat because it is full of sugar.

When dogs consume too much sugar, they may suffer both short-term and long-term adverse health consequences, so it’s advisable to keep sugar cane away.


Dogs can eat corn kernels, but they can’t digest the core.

Don’t feed your dog whole corn, and don’t leave corn sliced into rings where your dog can reach it.

It is very dangerous because you may accidentally swallow the core.

We will explain in detail the precautions and the dangers of the core when giving corn kernels.

Sweet peas

Sweet peas, which you are worried about, are also one of the plants that are poisonous to cats.

Sweet peas are a plant of the legume family, and they are caused by a substance called aminopropionitrile, which is abundant in beans and pods, if you eat them, it can cause nerve paralysis and affect walking. Please be careful not to let your cat eat it

Sweet Peppers

Peppers are rich in nutrients that can be expected to promote the health of dogs, so they are a vegetable that is safe to feed to dogs.


There is little information about the toxicity of tamarind to dogs and cats, but tamarind is said to be rich in tartaric acid contained in “grapes”, which is known to cause poisoning in dogs and cats. Unless it is safe to do so, it is better to refrain from giving tamarind to dogs


It’s okay for dogs and cats to eat tapioca flour!

It is also eaten by gluten-free dogs and cats as a substitute for wheat flour, and it is thought to have advantages such as the role of holding other ingredients together and the intestinal regulation effect of dietary fiber.

Pearled tapioca pearls carry the risk of intestinal obstruction

Don’t be full of tapioca flour alone

Be careful of allergies when feeding for the first time.


Taro cannot be eaten raw by humans or dogs, but it may be one of the beneficial ingredients for dogs by grinding it softly after heat treatment. It is a good idea to be aware of the negative effects of calcium oxalate on the owner who cooks and the dog and try to incorporate it into the daily menu.


Turnips are a vegetable that contains nutrients in all parts of the roots, stems, and leaves, and can be given to dogs with relative peace of mind, but dogs do not necessarily need the nutrition of turnips.

Dog food contains all the nutritional ingredients that dogs need, so basically dog food alone can provide enough nutrition. Therefore, when feeding a turnip to a dog, it is only a good idea to give it a small amount as a topping or treat for dog food.


Vegetables are OK for dogs! Let’s give it while adjusting the amount and type of day Vegetables are also important for dogs because they keep their bodies in good shape. However, if you eat too much, there is a risk that your physical condition will change, so be aware of the recommended daily amount.

chives, garlic

Green onions such as green onions and onions, chives, and garlic should not be given because they cause poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea, anemia, vomiting, and in the worst case, death.

These ingredients are sometimes incorporated into dishes as a flavoring agent. Even a small amount of this vegetable is dangerous, so be sure to check if these vegetables are mixed when feeding.


Avoid wasabi, chili peppers, and peppers as they are highly irritating and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.


if your dog eats vegetables that he should not eat, contact a veterinary clinic immediately, even if there is nothing wrong with his body. At that time, check “what, when, and how much your dog has eaten”, tell the hospital, and follow the instructions.

Watermelon Rinds

If you are careful how you give watermelon, there is no problem if you give it to your dog. Remove the peel and seeds as they are bad for digestion.

Watermelon is a recommended fruit that contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the health of dogs. β contains nutrients such as carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), potassium, lycopene, and citrulline.

White Carrots

Carrots should be given to the dog as a snack. The amount of treats you can give your dog per day is about 10~20% of your dog’s daily calorie needs.

However, carrots have a surprisingly high water content, so if you give them to your dog on a calorie basis, you will be giving them too much.

Therefore, the amount of carrots that can be given to dogs is calculated from the amount of water contained in the carrots. Here, one carrot is calculated as about 200g.

Mango seeds

The answer is no; they can’t.

It is safe and healthy for your dog to consume mangoes; however, preventing it from accessing the pit is necessary.

This safeguard protects your dog from any toxins contained within mango pits and the real danger surrounding the hole’s consumption.

If you are looking to give your dog any new food, consult your veterinarian first.


It’s okay to give your dog mangoes. Mango has a strong sweet taste and will be a treat that your dog will appreciate.

Mango contains about 82 grams of water in 100 grams, but it also contains a lot of nutrients that are effective for improving the health of dogs, such as β carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, and dietary fiber.


Then Can dogs eat yams? If you’re a dog owner, you might want to feed your dog, who is a cute pet, yams too. Some people may want their dogs to eat yams, which can be expected to have a nourishing and tonic effect on humans and become more energetic than they are now.

The good news is that yams are one of the foods that can be fed to dogs.

Yams do not contain ingredients that directly harm dogs, and they are nutritionally balanced.


if your dog ate a lot of leaves, seeds, or pods from a toxic species of lupines, it might need to be treated.

How to treat lupine poisoning in dogs is unknown, but it may be perilous.

Dogs that act differently or show signs of illness after eating a plant that might be poisonous should be checked out.


You can eat every part of the kangkong plant, which is safe for your dog. Leafy green vegetables like spinach contain many beneficial nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The high levels of these nutrients make kangkong a superfood.

kale leaves

Overall, dogs do not have health problems when eating kale leaves.

Kale leaves are a cruciferous leafy vegetable native to the Mediterranean coast and are a variety close to cabbage.

Compared to cabbage, it has a unique bitterness, and most people think of it as a raw material for green juice rather than eating it as it is.

Cucumbers seeds

The summer is going to be hot! During the summer, cucumbers are a great vegetable to eat!

As cucumbers are high in water and can lower body temperature, dogs who are not good at regulating their body temperature may benefit from cucumbers as a measure against summer fatigue and heat stroke.


There is no doubt that wheatgrass is a valuable type of fiber. A dog must consume enough yarn for the health of his digestive system. It can assist in maintaining a dog’s regular bowel movement and prevent or relieve constipation.


To prevent your dog from eating scallions, you should keep them in a place they cannot reach. If you notice that your pet has consumed any number of scallions, even if it was only a tiny amount, you should immediately take it to your veterinarian.

If you are a responsible dog owner, you should always ask questions before giving any food to your dog, regardless of whether or not they have been labeled in the packed products.

collard greens

Raw collard greens pose a serious risk to your pet. You should keep him in sight if he’s eating the leaves.

Each dog responds to the veggie differently, though. Please call a veterinarian immediately if your dog becomes withdrawn and experiences severe cramping.


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